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Music Technology


'When I started to write the score for Northern Ballet’s Geisha, I realised I was going to need some ethnic instruments and some sound effects that were not available in the live orchestra, that were my main force. This was not only the first time I was going to work with a programmed keyboard and programmer, but also the first time Northern Ballet was going to as well. So it was extra important we could find the very best person we could to set up the entire system needed for them to tour with, as well as programming the keyboard for Geisha itself. 

We couldn’t have been luckier than to have been introduced to Jack. Not only were his programming skills, efficiency and communication, next to none, but his patience and kindness during the whole process were incredibly comforting to me, during what could have been a stressful new experience. I was very grateful for Jack’s exemplary help, which resulted in a seamless and very successful first night of Geisha.'

Alexandra Harwood - ('Geisha', 'All Creatures Great and Small' [Channel 5], 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society' [Feature Film])

Jack is familiar with all professional keyboard brands and specialises in programming for Apple’s MainStage software and Kurzweil Music Systems. Jack also provides custom sound cues, rehearsal/backing tracks and click tracks used across formats such as MainStage, Ableton Live and QLab and is able to hire out full keyboard and click track rigs.

Jack currently works in close association with the Royal Shakespeare Company as an Electronic Music Designer. Recent productions include: Hamlet, King Lear, Cymbeline, The Tempest, The Seven Acts of Mercy, Snow In Midsummer, Antony & Cleopatra, Titus Andronicus, Salomé, Coriolanus, Twelfth Night, The Fantastic Follies of Mrs Rich, Miss Littlewood, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Tartuffe, Timon of Athens and King John

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